Eastern medicine & permaculture services
Eastern medicine &
permaculture services


The Central European breed of bees (subspecies of honey bee Apis Mellifera Mellifera) for thousands of years inhabitating the whole northern circuit of Europe from Germany, Skandinavia, Poland, through Russia and Ural, which gave a start up to many new local populations of bees. Two of them, M Augustowska and M Kampinoska were preserved in their original form in their natural habitats (the Augustów Forest and the Kampinos National Park), while M Północna and M Asta were improved while maintaining the most valuable characteristics of native bees.


Formerly called One Size Box (OSB) The advent of the Rose hive is the brainchild of Tim Rowe. The Rose hive borrows its idea from how honeybees live in the wild. The honey bees carry out their activities without any restrictions.

Our forest apiary FOLKVANG is based in Wielkopolska forests.




ROSE Hive Method similar to traditional and even ritual treatment of bees which is in the Kampinos National Park. It's based on working more closely with our bees - giving them space where they need it, allowing and encouraging our bees to do what bees want to do. Honeybees have been successful for millions of years - they know what they're doing - but conventional beekeeping methods have been stifling their best efforts to stay healthy and productive.

We have useful pollinators in our offer also :

1. Osmia rufa L.

2. Anthophora plumipes Pall.

3. Chelostoma florisomne L.

4. Heriades truncorum L.


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