Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa) grows naturally in wild in alpine regions on rock scars as well as in organic soils. It is found in Himalayan region (Garwal to Bhutan), Southeast Tibet, North Burma and
West China. In Nepal, Kutki is distributed abundantly in Alpine Himalaya between 3500 to 4800m. It is found in rocky places of Himalaya. It prefers to grow generally on the rock's crevices. It mostly grows on sloppy and cliffy mountains. In Nepal it is also found in the eastern and central regions but abundantly in the northwestern region growing on open, stony and grassy slopes, and on the turf of glacial flats. It has a cooling effect and is used as a cardiotonic, antipyretic, anthelmintic and laxative. It is also used to alleviate stomachache, and is believed to promote appetite. Kutki is useful in ‘Kapha’, billow fever, urinary discharge, hiccup, blood troubles, burning sensations, leucoderma, and jaundice.
Protective and therapeutic effects against liver damage have been shown by many investigators in diverse models of liver injury in animals. The crude extract as well as the active principles have been shown to protect the liver from injury due to carbon tetrachloride, paracetamol, galactosamine and alcohol. Marked bile- promoting action has been shown in dogs. The general pharmacology of the plant has been well studied. Anti-inflammatory action and reduction in mast cell degranplation have also been demonstrated.
The standard ayurvedic references describe its usefulness as a laxative, liver-stimulant, improving lactation, appetite stimulant, febrifuge and as beneficial in bronchial asthma. The plant and its formulations are widely used in therapy of epidemic jaundice. Clinical studies including double-blind trials have been carried out with the root powder of the plant in patients with viral hepatitis with significant improvement in symptoms like anorexia, nausea and vomiting. There was a concurrent improvement in liver functions. Open trials in bronchial asthma have given encouraging prophylactic response with prolonged administration.